Why do I recommend The Full Embrace Pregnancy Success Program by Diana Farrell, M.A.?
With all the buzz surrounding Diana Farrell’s latest book effort, I wanted to find out for myself. Why is this book selling worldwide? There are so many pregnancy books out there already - what makes this one stand out?
First off, there is Diana Farrell herself – a women’s health author and psychologist who suffered from infertility herself, and decided to use her substantial knowledge, resources, and connections in the health industry to find a way to overcome her fertility problems – and she succeeded, as we learn in the very first chapter – by employing the very same methods she outlines in her book. Her own personal journey informs this program with not only potent sound advice, but with a heart that can only come from someone who has been there and understands.
Secondly, this is truly the only step by step program for dealing with any type of infertility and increasing pregnancy chances that provides a clear and easy to follow guide that will hold your hand – daily - until you successfully conceive.
Third – she acknowledges western medicine! Finally! So many other “Pregnancy Help” books talk down about modern medicine, even suggesting that all a doctor can do is hurt you. Sure, modern medicine has its problems like anything else, but modern medicine is a true miracle in many ways. This program combines the power of natural methods with the latest developments of Western medicine. Use every resource available to get pregnant. This was a very refreshing approach for a Pregnancy Enhancement book and I give Diana Farrell high marks for it. The Full Embrace approach – I get it!
Some other major differences I see between this program and other books about getting pregnant I have reviewed in the past:
The Full Embrace™ Pregnancy Success Program
1. The program addresses the fertility potential of both partners! I don't think that there is any other system out there that does this, and when you figure that around 40% of couples have trouble getting pregnant because of issues with sperm, this puts it head and shoulders above any other method! Diana's system is fully streamlined to be used by both women and men so that the couple can do the program together for the optimal chance to get pregnant. Just as it takes two to make a baby, it also takes two to improve the chances of success in making a baby!
2. The bonuses that come with this program are really integrated into it and very useful. Many of the programs I've reviewed seem to have the bonuses just tacked on as an afterthought to try to get someone to buy the book and don't really seem to have much value. However, the recipe book alone is worth the price of the program! The planner and journal is really essential to making the whole "plan your own program" aspect of this system work. And the yoga and meditation guides flow into the program seamlessly.
3. It's written by a real person who really went through infertility herself and her heart shines through. I was touched and felt a real connection with her when I reviewed the program. This is for real and not just some istock photo tacked onto a book that has been copied across the internet and sold on numerous sites, as I find so often.
The Full Embrace™ Pregnancy Success Program
4. Diana includes research in her program that backs up the methods she describes. This makes it really helpful to understand why she includes everything she does in her book and is a great resource for further study if there is something in there that really sparks your interest that you want to pursue further.
5. The book is very convincing. She tells you not only what to do, but why to do it, and she is very compelling. I have to believe that if you follow this program exactly as Diana says to do that there is nothing that can stop you from having your best chance in the world to get pregnant. In fact, although no program can guarantee conception and the birth of a healthy baby, I'd be very surprised if anyone within child-bearing years was not able to get pregnant if they followed her program to a tee.
6. If there is any downside to the book I think it is coming to grips with the real effort involved to help oneself conquer infertility. Who doesn’t want a book that tells you to take one miracle supplement and be cured instantly? Diana Farrell’s book certainly doesn’t do that, and while she encourages everyone to “do the easy stuff first”, she hardly suggests that the easy stuff alone will be enough. For someone who doesn’t sincerely want to take control and give themselves a real shot at having a baby, or is not really motivated, then this could be an issue.
The Full Embrace™ Pregnancy Success Program
The fact is the book is packed with techniques and methods to either enhance both women’s and men’s fertility or to stop doing or taking things that may be hurting one’s fertility. Whether you do some or all of them is a personal choice, and who knows which set of choices will be the ones that you need to get you pregnant.
By “embracing” western medical techniques with alternative, eastern, and homeopathic fertility enhancing methods, Diana Farrell’s Full Embrace Pregnancy Success Program puts itself above the vast field of similar books that typically only offer alternative approaches.
Highly recommended.
For more information check out:
The Full Embrace™ Pregnancy Success Program
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